The prepared foods market in 23 hit a full recovery, reaching ¥10.9827 trillion, up 106.4% from pre-pandemic levels.

According to the “2024 Edition Prepared Foods White Paper” issued by the Japan Prepared Foods Association on June 1, the prepared foods market in 23 reached ¥10.9827 trillion, up 104.9% from the previous year and fully recovered to 106.4% compared to the pre-pandemic levels of 2019.

By format, convenience stores (“CVS”) saw a 5.6% increase to ¥3.4631 trillion, “food supermarkets” increased by 5.7% to ¥3.2586 trillion, and “prepared foods specialty stores” increased by 3.9% to ¥2.9426 trillion, together accounting for 88% of the total market. Other formats saw increases as well, with “general supermarkets” up 4.4% to ¥975.4 billion and “department stores” up 2.2% to ¥343.1 billion, contributing to an overall positive year-on-year trend across all formats.

In terms of market share by format, “CVS” increased its share by 0.2 percentage points to 31.5%, while “food supermarkets” increased by 0.3 percentage points to 29.7%. “General supermarkets” remained steady at 8.9%. However, “prepared foods specialty stores” saw a decrease of 0.3 percentage points to 26.8%, and “department stores” experienced a decrease of 0.1 percentage points to 3.1%.

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