Our Policy on Reports and Articles

Important messaje for customers

Our Policy

It has been confirmed that some  media outlets refer to articles from numerous  media outlets but conceal the fact that they are from foreign or  domestic media outlets, and only include press releases or other articles from media outlets in their reference articles, making it appear as if they have created the articles themselves, including research and composition from scratch. Martner Japan does not engage in such practices.


The following points are noted in preparing the reports and article.


1. When referencing an article, we do not rely solely on its information, but research as much primary information as possible, such as official websites, company Link, etc

2. When referencing information in an article for which primary information cannot be verified, we place a link to the reference source in the relevant section.

3. We make it a priority to physically visit locations for on-site investigations, valuing firsthand information from the field. During these visits, we strive to ensure accurate information transmission to our customers by providing clear details such as location and date.

4. In addition to conducting surveys and generating reports, we draw upon our extensive business experience to provide a wide range of recommendations and proprietary insights. This approach is designed to support the success of our clients’ businesses.

Our Sources

Martner Japan uses the following sources as the main reference for its reports and articles.

【Primary information】


【Secondary information】 

  Iiterature information

【Secondary information】 

   Web information

Field reserch official government materials official government URL
Questionnaire survey Company’s official materials  Company URL
Interview industry association materials Idustry association materials URL
Data analysis private research company materials private research company materials URL
Seminars and Events financial institution materials financial institution materials URL
Newspaper, magazines Newspaper, magazines URL 
Seminars and Events


With the exception of interviews, seminar reports, and instances based on personal experiences, we include reference links at the end of all articles.