Meiji has launched a new line of chocolates specifically targeting the souvenir market in Japan. This marks the first time the company has tailored a chocolate brand specifically for this purpose. The chocolates have been revamped from existing brands to include ingredients and packaging that evoke a sense of Japanese tradition and culture, appealing to both domestic and international tourists seeking authentic Japanese souvenirs.

The new line, named “Rich Chocolates,” offers four distinct flavors, including matcha and brown sugar, which are particularly popular among tourists looking for unique Japanese treats to bring back home. For the matcha flavor, Meiji utilizes high-quality matcha, accounting for 51% of the raw material, ensuring a rich and authentic taste. Similarly, for the brown sugar flavor, Meiji sources brown sugar from Okinawa, comprising 33% of the sugar ingredient, to capture the essence of Japanese sweetness.

In addition to focusing on ingredients, Meiji has also paid attention to packaging and branding, incorporating elements that resonate with the Japanese aesthetic. The chocolates are priced at an affordable level, with an expected retail price of 340 yen, making them accessible to a wide range of consumers.

To further cater to the needs of tourists, Meiji has implemented various marketing strategies, including setting up point-of-purchase displays in stores with information in multiple languages to attract inbound customers. They have also established a dedicated website in five languages, including English, Chinese, Korean, and Thai, to provide product details and allergy information to foreign visitors.

With the number of inbound tourists to Japan reaching record highs, Meiji aims to capitalize on this trend by offering chocolates that not only serve as delicious treats but also as memorable souvenirs that embody the essence of Japanese culture and hospitality.

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