On April 4, 2024, Kagome announced its intention to introduce the renowned U.S. almond milk brand “Almond Breeze” to the Japanese market, commencing sales from September. Partnering with Blue Diamond Growers, Kagome secured a licensing agreement for the production and distribution of “Almond Breeze” in Japan, leveraging its position as the leading brand in the U.S. almond milk market.

Recognized for its abundant vitamin E content, almond milk enjoys significant popularity among women, prompting Kagome to broaden its plant-based product portfolio to meet this demand. This collaboration reflects Kagome’s strategic focus on plant-based ingredients like soybeans and almonds, with ongoing efforts to penetrate the market with soy-based curry, pasta sauce, and cereal.

The expanding Japanese almond milk market, driven by growing health and beauty consciousness, aligns with Kagome’s long-term growth vision. Viewing this partnership as integral to its strategy, Kagome shares Blue Diamond Growers’ commitment to agricultural value creation and quality standards, aiming to harness its development, marketing, and sales resources to deliver the excellence of “Almond Breeze” while fostering consumer appreciation for almonds and supporting contracted farmers.

Supported by the Almond Milk Research Association, which reported sales of ¥15.5 billion in 2023, and a rise in private label (PB) products, the market’s growth trajectory underscores the potential for Kagome’s expansion into almond milk offerings.

■ About Kagome company
Kagome is a Japanese food manufacturer primarily known for producing and selling juices and beverages made from vegetables and fruits. Established in 1926, Kagome played a significant role in popularizing vegetable juices. Today, it offers a diverse product lineup centered around vegetables and fruits to meet the increasing demand for health-conscious and varied consumer needs. Furthermore, Kagome has been actively expanding its business both domestically and internationally, particularly focusing on utilizing plant-based ingredients in its products. Among Kagome’s flagship products in Japan are its vegetable juices, notably “Vegetable Life 100” and “Vegetable Life Green Juice,” which enjoy widespread popularity and are recognized as Kagome’s top-selling items.

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